October – December 2023
October 19, 2023
As we have a sink in the garage, by code in Colorado there must be a convenient and easy way to turn off both hot and cold water as well as draining the piping into the garage as it may freeze. This photo is in the Owner’s Entry and will be partially concealed by a sitting bench.

Soffit & Fascia Installation
December 4, 2023
Installing cementitious boards for soffits and fascia. These boards are naturally non-combustible.
StoneCoat Fusion Panel Installation
December 4, 2023
Video of installing the StoneCoat Fusion panels.
December 19, 2023
Installation of the asphalt composite shingles. Note that there are no attic air vents through the roof which you would see in conventional homes. The Living In Place Institute Idea Home has what is called a “conditioned attic”, where the installation is applied directly below the roof sheathing instead of above the ceiling. The reason why we did this was to not have any flying embers make their way into the attic, causing a fire from the inside to the out.
Wrapping Front Door for Christmas

December 19, 2023
To help celebrate the holidays, we covered our temporary front door with wrapping paper and added a bow above it (we did not have any mistletoe handy!). It stayed up for about two weeks until we got our real front door installed (see January 2024 page).