Elevate Your Home: Where Accessibility, Health, Safety Security, Functionality, Beauty, and Connectivity Meet
The Living In Place Institute is an educational organization whose vision is for All Homes to be Accessible, Healthy, Safe, Secure, Functional, Beautiful, and Connected, regardless of age or condition of individual residing there.

We train a wide range of international professionals in what should be done to attain this vision.
This website is designed to give people ideas as to what they should do for their home so that it works for them, instead of the other way around, whether you are building new, remodeling, or making home modifications for safety and accessibility.
This website also highlights the Partners who are involved in the Idea Home, including manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers.
This website also chronicles the construction activities for the Living In Place Institute’s Idea Home. There are well over 300 Living In Place features that are part of the Idea Home that can be found on the Features page.
The Marshall Wildfire occurred on December 30th, 2021, and within 6 hours destroyed nearly 1,100 homes in Boulder county. It has given the Living In Place Institute the opportunity to create the Living In Place Institute Idea Home, where many of the principles of the Living In Place Institute’s training programs are included in the design.
We train a wide range of international professionals in what should be done to attain this vision.
This website is designed to give people ideas as to what they should do for their home so that it works for them, instead of the other way around, whether you are building new, remodeling, or making home modifications for safety and accessibility.
This website also highlights the Partners who are involved in the Idea Home, including manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers.
This website also chronicles the construction activities for the Living In Place Institute’s Idea Home. There are well over 300 Living In Place features that are part of the Idea Home that can be found on the Features page.
The Marshall Wildfire occurred on December 30th, 2021, and within 6 hours destroyed nearly 1,100 homes in Boulder county. It has given the Living In Place Institute the opportunity to create the Living In Place Institute Idea Home, where many of the principles of the Living In Place Institute’s training programs are included in the design.


A Phoenix Rises from the Ashes
The devastating 2021 Marshall Wildfire in Louisville, Colo. burned Louis Delaware’s family home to the ground. The family will build a healthy, safe, accessible home in its place to showcase the principles of the Living In Place Institute™.

the marshall wildfire
It was the greatest single loss of property in the history of Colorado. On Dec. 30, 2021 for six hours, flames swept across 6,000 acres in Louisville, Superior, and Boulder county. The fire destroyed 1,084 homes and left 1,100 more with significant damage. Many of these homes were built in the 1980s and 1990s and lacked fire-hardening designs.
Louie and Judy Delaware’s home the day after the Marshall Wildfire.

A Family Home Destroyed
This photo shows the debris from the fire along with the foundation being removed from the property. Note the two houses across the street that were damaged but not destroyed.
Shortly after the fire, the Delaware family began discussing the concept of an Idea Home. This home would reflect the highest principles of Certified Living In Place™ design and construction, including Energy Star, Indoor Air Plus, and Water Sense certifications.


The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.

Use of products and designs that improve and maintain human wellness.

Eliminating hazards and barriers, and using products and designs to make the home safer.

Make the home safe from others who wish to do harm.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as to what people desire for their home to look like.

Products and designs to make the home more functional.

A double meaning – Using Smart Technology to have the home work for you, and creating an environment that allows all in the home to interact with each other.
The Denver local Fox News affiliate was on hand to celebrate the groundbreaking of the Idea Home March 19, 2023, with interviews with Living In Place founder and president, Louie Delaware, and home designer, Barbara Barton. “Little did we know an opportunity like the Marshall Fire would open the door for being able to show everyone, builders, consumers, designers, contractors all the aspects that go from head to toe that make a home living in place,” Barton said.
The Denver local Fox News affiliate was on hand to celebrate the groundbreaking of the Idea Home March 19, 2023, with interviews with Living In Place founder and president, Louie Delaware, and home designer, Barbara Barton. “Little did we know an opportunity like the Marshall Fire would open the door for being able to show everyone, builders, consumers, designers, contractors all the aspects that go from head to toe that make a home living in place,” Barton said.
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