LG Air Conditioning Technologies is a leading player in the HVAC market, offering a wide range of heating,

ventilating, and air conditioning products along with heat pump water heaters and control solutions. Many LG HVAC products have earned the ENERGY STAR® certification designation, helping to make a Living In Place home a more energy efficient and comfortable environment for everyone. LG’s inverter heat pumps can operate at multiple speed settings, varying compressor speed to match output demand, which translates to more energy efficiency and personalized comfort control. For more information about LG HVAC, click HERE or on their logo to the right.
Due to the heating and cooling challenges of a two-story home with a basement, the Living In Place Institute Idea Home has one heat pump and three forced air units that are all controlled by an energy recovery unit, which can heat and cool the three areas independently, even heating the basement while cooling the first floor. And on top of that, these units are incredibly quiet.
The heat pump also has additional capacity as environment circumstances may change over time. Truly a wonderful HVAC installation.

The LG Inverter Heat Pump Water Heater is an energy-efficient alternative to electric resistance or gas water heaters. A wonderful way to create hot water at the same time reducing energy use. A great addition to the Idea Home.