December 2021–December 2022
Day Of Marshall Wildfire
December 30, 2021
Video showing the nearby smoke that was happening as the fire was quickly approaching the Delaware home. The sound you hear is the wind as it was blowing at times more than 105 miles per hour, or about 170 kilometers per hour.

December 30, 2021
Photo showing massive smoke occurring during evacuation as well as a firetruck going the wrong way to their assigned location. For many people, it took over two hours to get out of Louisville as there was gridlock throughout the city due to the mandatory evacuation. Unfortunately, two people died in the fire and countless pets perished as first responders would not allow people back to their homes due to not wanting additional casualties.
December 30, 2021
This is a video of the homes in the neighborhood where the Living In Place Institute Idea Home is located. It did not take long for these homes to be fully engaged in the fire as the winds were blowing over 100 miles/hour. Many were made with wood siding along with wooden decks and fences that were attached to the home.

December 30, 2021
December 30, 2021 – The heroic work of countless fire departments and firefighters, along with police, water engineers, and many other responders from across much of the Front Range of Colorado saved countless homes.
December 30, 2021
This photo was taken after we evacuated to Erie, Colorado, about 10 miles (about 16 kilometers) from the fire. At this time, everyone was concerned that the fire would take out all of Louisville, which would be about 7,000 homes. Luckily, the wind died down about 6 hours after the fire started. Overall, there were 1,084 homes that were destroyed and well over 2,000 homes that were damaged from the Marshall Wildfire.

After Fire Photos

December 31, 2021
This is a photo of the Delaware family (in the middle), future son-in-law (on the left) and friend of the family the morning after the fire.
December 31, 2021
This is a photo still showing smoldering from the fire about 21 hours after it occurred. You can see the utter devastation. Firefighters estimated the fire to be more than 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit or about 1,000 degrees Centigrade.

December 31, 2021
An aerial photo taken the day after the fire showing the massive destruction because of the Marshall Wildfire.
January 6, 2022
This drone video was taken of the home site about 1 week after the fire showing the complete destruction of the property, leaving behind ashes and metal.
President Biden

January 7, 2022
This is a photo of First Lady Jill Biden, Judy Delaware, President Joe Biden, Louie Delaware, and Prescott Delaware 8 days after the fire. They spent over 4 hours looking at the destruction and talking with some families.
February 2, 2022
This is a letter from both President and First Lady Jill Biden congratulating the Delaware’s about our daughter’s engagement that happened on December 29, 2021, the day before the fire.


January 13, 2022
Picture showing Louie Delaware in protective wear trying to find any remaining keepsakes. Only limited items were found. What was not found was his wedding ring.
Debris Removal & Regrading
April 18, 2022
This photo shows what the excavator does to remove the debris from inside the foundation of the home.

April 20, 2022
This drone video follows what the excavator does to clear the property of debris. This took more than 5 days to completely remove everything.
May 9, 2022
This is a drone video showing the finished lot after debris removal, re-grading and hydroseeding of the soil (to minimize erosion).
Expansive Soil Core Sampling and Testing
August 17, 2022
This drone video shows doing core drilling of the soil to determine if the property has expansive soils, which are very common in Colorado. The result of this was that we had to do over 45 caissons (or piers) down 28 feet (~8.5 m) where we encountered bedrock.
October 18, 2022
Before we could start any work on the property, we had to have a professional surveyor mark out the corners of the property.
Architecture Complete

18 January 2023
The architectural plans for the Living In Place Institute Idea Home are completed and submitted for permit approval along with HVAC, plumbing, electrical, structural, and grading plans. It took nearly 8 months of work to submit our permit package.
Kitchen Design Complete
February 2022
This is a rendering of what the kitchen will look like when it is done. Our designer Maria Stapperfenne, CMKBD, CLIPP, did a spectacular job of creating this kitchen.

Bathroom, Closets and Owner’s Entry Designs Complete

February 2022
This is a rendering of the Primary Bath, including a curbless, zero entry shower and soaking tub. All full baths and Powder Room, along with closets and Owner’s Entry work was done by Barbara Barton, CMKBD, CLIPP. Everything came out spectacularly.