Excavation & Foundation Work

April 18, 2022

 This drone video follows what the excavator does to clear the property of debris. This took more than 5 days to completely remove everything. 

April 28, 2022

 This is what the home site looked like after the debris was completely removed, was graded and then hydroseeded. 

August 17, 2022

 This drone video shows doing core drilling of the soil to determine if the property has expansive soils, which are very common in Colorado. The end result of this was that we had to do caissons (or piers) down 28 feet (~8.5 m) where we encountered bedrock. 


October 19, 2022

 This drone video shows the surveyor locating the exterior corners of the property. 


March 8, 2023

 This drone video shows the front end loader removing soil to prepare for caisson (pier) drilling and for the foundation forms.


March 19, 2023

 This video shows the Delaware family celebrating a major milestone – The actual ground breaking of the Living In Place Institute Idea Home, complete with confetti! 


March 19, 2023

This is the sign on The Living In Place Institute Idea Home property showing the architecture firm we used for the design – Danielian Associates, and the builder, Porchfront Homes, as well as information about the Living In Place Institute Idea Home. 

I could not upload any further videos to 

March 19, 2023

Video of the finished foundation and water sealing the outside for the Living In Place Institute Idea Home. 

May 2, 2023

Drone video of the finished foundation for the Living In Place Institute Idea Home. 


May 2, 2023

Another video of the finished foundation for the Living In Place Institute Idea Home.